Tranzfuser 2024 Teams Announced

The Tranzfuser Journey Begins!

Tranzfuser begins today with 19 teams of entrepreneurial graduates across the UK gearing up for a summer of creative innovation, professional development, and commercial growth.

This year’s Tranzfuser saw the largest number of submissions to date, with over 60 highly engaged talented teams of graduate games developers applying to join the programme.

In the lead up to applications closing, the Tranzfuser HQ team engaged with applicants at both in-person events and across a range of online media, including the highly engaged and cooperative invite-only Discord server.

Tilda Watson, Talent Programme Administrator, said:

“The impact of working with engaged applicants who have shown dedication and consideration throughout the process has really made an impression on myself and the Tranzfuser Team. The standard has been incredibly high, from mind bending game concepts to thought provoking research, all teams that submitted should be proud of their work thus far. I would like to thank all of you who submitted and hope that you continue your endeavours regardless of selection! I am excited to be working with the selected teams going forward, as they embark on becoming their own independent video game studio.”

The Tranzfuser 2024 teams are:

This year sees a wide range of novel and inspiring projects, with RPGs, multiplayer party brawlers and horror experiences being just a few examples of the types of games we are looking forward to seeing more of.
Deborah Farley, Head of Foundership at UKGTF, said:

“Since launching back in 2016 we’ve witnessed first-hand how the early-stage indie games dev sector has evolved and this year’s submissions is testament to the breadth of skills and passion of the up-and-coming entrepreneurial talent in the UK today. We were thrilled to have received the largest number of applications in any one year to date, but even more impressed by the quality of submissions.”

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