Commonly asked questions
What is Tranzfuser?
Tranzfuser is the annual graduate development competition run by the team behind the UK Games Fund. Tranzfuser supports UK graduates to build successful studios, giving them the freedom and space to develop video game IP they want to make and see others play.
What is a Local hub?
Local Hubs are organisations, such as your University, that act as a base for your team. They may provide you with a range of resources to use such as a meeting space for your team, access to technical equipment and support. Find out more here.
What can I win if I apply?
All teams to receive a £7,500 prize allocated during the course of the competition and have access to a tailored programme that aims to get them ready for successful pitching for further funding. The prize awarded must be used to cover all costs associated with participation in Tranzfuser.
What can my team expect if we win tranzfuser?
Our entrepreneurial teams will pitch for grant support from the UK Games Fund of up to £25,000.
Do I need to apply with a complete game idea?
No, but we expect application forms to cover the core premise of the idea along with a draft project plan and evidence as to why you believe this idea could be an indie success.
I have work commitments over the competition. Can I still apply?
We recommend that all Tranzfuser core team members’ devout their time on a full-time basis for the duration of the programme. This is due to the time that it takes to create and develop their game IP, work effectively together as a team, attend events and submit programme deliverables. We understand that life does go on and people need to work, so if a team member has no other choice, they can work on a part time basis. We expect consideration of this to be provided in the application project plan. Team members will be requested to track their time and progress during the programme.
I'm interested in Tranzfuser but I don't want to be a Team Leader. Can I still get involved?
You’ll need to identify someone who would act as Team Leader for the application.
What do I do if I want to apply but I'm not already in a team?
Fill out the Team Search Form and use the Teams Board to help search for a team to join or fill a vacancy.
One of our team members does not graduate this year. Can they participate?
Tranzfuser is a “once in a lifetime opportunity” so we recommend that individuals participate when they can take best advantage of the programme. If your team are selected for UK Games Fund grant funding we will expect your team to be mobilised shortly after the end of the programme (September/October) and ready to start on the next phase of game development (in line with your pitch). If your team member needs to return to their studies they will miss out on the opportunity to continue on with the team and this next phase of development.
Someone in my team has worked in the Games Industry. Can he/she/they still join my team?
Yes, but they must meet the Team Criteria.
One of our team members will be living abroad during the summer, can they participate?
All team members need to provide a UK residential address and they need to be living in the UK during the programme. This enables them to have the flexibility to attend the pitch and showcase events and work in person with their team.
Are we able to use contractors for development?
Teams can use contractors to carry out a bespoke piece of work that is not production critical and only takes up a short time to complete. They would not be considered as core team members and are in addition to meeting the team number requirements. It is up to the team to have appropriate working agreements / contracts in place with contractors. Teams are wholly responsible for any costs or expenditure incurred by the contractor. Contractors must meet the competition criteria outlined for core team members.
Who pays for expenses incurred by my team during the course of the programme?
All teams receive a £7,500 prize and they can use some of this award money to cover programme expenses. Items such as travel, accommodation, hardware/software costs would be classed under this and will all need to be paid for and organised by the teams.
Applicants can be from disciplines other than those related to games development, but they will be required to demonstrate how the core team will be shaped to enable them to deliver their prototype successfully.
The level of support provided by a Local Hub will vary and any support offered will be agreed between each party at the beginning of the programme.
If you aren’t already aligned to one of our Local Hubs don’t be deterred from applying. We’ll work out the best way you can get involved once we see your application.
I'm not sure which local hub to apply to. how can I choose?
There are 3 options:
- Local Hub
- Teams should first look at the Local Hub page and identify any in their region and read about what services they offer and if they can host your team. If the Local Hub can host your team, you should apply to that Local Hub.
- Nominate a Local Hub
- If your team wants to nominate a Local Hub to represent them. Please ask them to contact us via [email protected].
- Tranzfuser Virtual Hub
- If ALL of your team are working remotely across the UK or the Local Hub in your region is unable to accommodate non graduates at their facility then you should apply via the Tranzfuser Virtual Hub.
Will I retain the IP in my project after the competition?
Yes. We never take ownership of IP. However, we will hold your IP in trust to manage any disputes for the duration of the competition.
How will my application be assessed?
Assessment will be made by the UK Games Talent and Finance team and the Local Hub to which you apply.
We've been working on our concept already. Are we still able to apply?
Yes. If you have been working on a concept for a long period of time, this will be taken into consideration when assessing your application. You should demonstrate what you are looking to achieve over the programme. This includes how participating will contribute to the developing success of your game and how you are going to make use of your time effectively.
Our business is already established. Are we still able to apply?
If your team meets our criteria, then Yes! You can still apply. However you may want to consider applying directly to the UK Games Fund (when calls for applications are open and where your application would meet the criteria).
Members of our Team have accessibility needs, will there be support when attending in person events?
The Tranzfuser team assesses accessibility help on a case by case basis. If you are in need of support or have any queries regarding this, please contact us via email.
If we're selected for support from the UK Games Fund, what happens to our IP ownership and equity?
Any team from Tranzfuser that is selected for grant support from the UK Games Fund will retain ownership of IP and equity.
Still got a question?
We’ll do what we can to help with any questions that are not answered by the information supplied here.