PigMe Studios

PigMe Studios 

Project Name: Our Little Garden Shop

Player Type: Single player

Target Platform: Desktop

Twitter: @PigmeStudios

Local Hub: Falmouth University, Games Academy

PigMe Studios is a Cornwall-based company looking to grow alongside the tech sector of Cornwall. With developers from around the country, Tranzfuser will bring the team together to create a studio that creates bite-sized quality games.

PigMe Studios consists of a team of passionate students who have worked together previously to make successful projects and are now looking to create these projects commercially.

About the project

PigMe Studios is on a mission to create the next cosy narrative game that brings together the nature of English horticulture and local businesses. Our Little Garden Shop will have you interacting with customers and experimenting with your flora to create diverse garden shop stock. Nurture your local relationships and discover more about your regular customers as you fulfil their requests or solve their problems.

Built from the core to be an easily accessible game, Our Little Garden Shop will be on PC with simple mouse controls.

Stay tuned!


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Where university taught us the nature and skills of working in a team, Tranzfuser will teach us how to apply these skills in a commercial setting. Learning how to run a business is a whole new challenge straight out of university. By having the funds and opportunities available from Tranzfuser the programme will set us on a path to be a commercial success.

PigMe Studios has been recognised to be a valuable future asset to the UK Gaming scene and we hope to showcase how beneficial Tranzfuser is to new and upcoming indie studios looking to break into this scene.

Project Lead
