Winners of the game jam will be crowned in just a few weeks’ time, but before then we take the time now to celebrate the 14 teams that successfully completed the game jam and submitted their projects.
From scope to budgeting, pitching to business management, the teams were privy to some of the most impressive insights into the successful running of an indie dev studio the industry could offer.
The only UK-wide summer talent development programme for UK graduates sees 17 teams of talented UK graduate games developers roll up their sleeves and start work on their own IP games over the summer, with each team starting development with an initial cash award of £5,000.
Jamfuser 2021 has today kicked off with 25 teams of university students and graduates from around the UK discovering the theme for this year’s game jam.
"Whilst we can’t guarantee that taking part in the Employment will see you get that interview, having Jamfuser in your back pocket will no doubt help you get your foot in the door in a way you otherwise may not.”
The Enterprise Pathway will support professional development as a studio, with pitching skills being refined and put into practice at virtual pitching sessions. Teams will be invited to showcase their games at the annual public-facing ProtoPlay event, where they will also pitch to the UK Games Fund for grant support of up to £20,000 for the further commercial development of their project.