Alumni Profile: Ethan Wall
ReEngage - 2022 Team
Tranzfuser Project Description
Quick Q&A
We strived to develop the game to emphasize its long term viablility at the detrement of short term playability.
Whilst this did work, we think we went too far into the long term strategy and would have benefited more, overall, from investing more time into making what we already had more fun.
We knew that Tranzfuser was the best opportunity we could get to take our game development capabilities to the next level.
If you compete in Tranzfuser and fail. There will be a reason for that and you can learn.
If you instead learned those lessons after failing in the business world, you might not have the opportunity to continue.
Tranzfuser is great because it lets you see what your capabilities are; and to know where to improve.
Tranzfuser taught us about the aspects of producing a successful game, that doesn’t involve game development itself. That is the business side of this journey.
Tranzfuser taught us about pitching and planning and gave us the opportunity to experiment and learn these skills.
We are continuing development with EOD whilst also seeking further funding opportunities, as well as studio-for-hire work, to continue development as rapidly as possible.