Alumni Profile: Russell Al-Medenni
RAA Studios - 2021 Team
Tranzfuser Project Description
The project we worked on was Sinbad. It is a third person platformer inspired by middle eastern folklore. It was the graduation project of Russell, the team lead, who gathered a few of his fellow classmates after graduation to pursue it’s awesome splendor!
Quick Q&A
If you could turn the clock back, would you do anything differently?
We wish that we could’ve scoped down and used our resources to improve the art, which at the time was very dull. It was the biggest downfall of the pitch, especially for a family-friendly game who’s biggest selling point is catching a young child’s attention.
If you are a future team, please scope well. It can’t be stressed enough. Do this and your game will flourish. Of course, the ambitious parts can come later too, after you win the fund! But the first step is proving your idea in a balanced and easily digestable way.
What made you want to take part in the competition?
We applied to Tranzfuser as it was a fantastic opportunity to work on our game with expert guidance and some funding that gave us the stepping stones to pursue the game of our dreams, which we are still doing!
Why should the up-and-coming game dev talent of tomorrow apply to Tranzfuser 2022?
Test your metal! The future of the industry is predicted to be indie focused, and this is an amazing way to get your hands dirty and see what it’s really like. The mentoring and insight from the nice people at the UKGF and their partners is just enough to keep you comfortable and feeling free to do what you would like without feeling lost.
Guys, this isn’t scripted or written by anyone other than the guys that took part 6 months ago, truly, if you think it’s for you give it a go. Even if you don’t win it’s a great experience and something to assist you on your way to realising your project and yourselves. Unfortunately we made some mistakes at the time and we didn’t win, but don’t let the thought of that discourage you, we’re still cracking on and should the situation arise and you’re determined enough we know you’d be able to too.
What benefits did Tranzfuser bring to your game dev career?
Tranzfuser put us in touch with some really talented and hardened game developers from the games industry. The presentations were often very informative and helped us understand the realities of the industry and how to prepare for them.
Some speakers also taught us how to apply ourselves as a self-sustaining studio, funding or no, in order to stay afloat, which we have done.
What are you doing now?
We are taking on client jobs in order to continue funding and developing Sinbad, and ourselves! We are now considering moving into an office located in Beaconsfield.