

Project Name: Engines of Destruction

Player Type: Multiplayer

Team Website:

Target Platform: Desktop/Laptops

Twitter: @EODdev

Local Hub: Abertay University

We are ‘ReEngage’.

A Game Developing Duo from Scotland – working together since we were 13 years old, we grew up together. We know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We know how to work with one another. 

As a team of two undergraduates, we beat teams with over double our size containing postgraduates (of our own courses) at a national game jam, here in Scotland.

After working on many projects in the past, we have mastered our specialties, are now expanding our capabilities, and are working on our grandest project yet – Engines of Destruction.

It is our hope that Tranzfuser will further our credibility and support us in our development as we continue on our unrelenting journey. Granting us the opportunity to work on EOD, full time, over this summer will invigorate our development of the game. 

We cannot wait to continue doing what we love.

About the project

Engines of Destruction (EOD) is a multiplayer first-person shooter with great emphasis on mechs, realism, and tactical gameplay. Releasing on PC initially, with VR and console versions later. 

Fans of the mech genre have been lacking a significant entry in this market for quite some time. There is also a huge overlap between fans of realistic, combined arms, FPS games and fans of mech games. A combination that has never been meaningfully realised. None of us, in our community, can believe that this subgenre remains unexplored. We are changing that. 

Set in a near future; dystopian and post-apocalyptic. Rival companies, factions and groups battle over precious resources. These combatants use everything at their disposal to survive; from their quick wit and the rifle in their hands – to the engines of destruction rumbling through the battlefield.

We have a growing Steam page, YouTube channel, and Discord server to follow development.



Hearing about Tranzfuser, we were really excited about the prospective opportunities. We’ve always been working tenaciously on our projects; constantly improving our capabilities. But we needed more support, and more time, to really get our latest project off the ground. Tranzfuser gives us this and more, and we cannot understate how ecstatic we are to have been accepted. The application process was extremely useful for us. We already had our plans written down, but presenting them in a coherent manner was another beast. In total, we spent several months preparing everything and have expanded our skills in this area. We are now more prepared in our planning and confident in our delivery. We will never stop learning; as such, we are so glad to have the opportunity to continue our development, as individuals, as a team, and on Engines of Destruction.
Project Lead