The Tranzfuser teams are now putting the final touches to their playable demos that will soon be on display for the world to see at EGX London (22nd – 25th September).
Before they hit the road, each team now has a teaser trailer for their fans and communities to delight in! With wide-ranging content on display from diverse, creative and innovative teams, we cannot wait to see how the teams get on at the big show later this month.
This year we will have 21 games on show with something for everyone; from pesky seagulls stealing your chips, to taking on your friends in a quirky game of badminton. We have games with spaceship racing adventures into outer space and a world-building game in a retro setting. For those with a taste for the things that go bump in the night, we have a game set in a haunted shopping mall featuring a familiar character!
Check out all the trailers over on our Teams page before you head along to EGX!