TheVampiresManor (TVM) Studios


Project Name: FOQUES

Player Type: Single Player

Team Website:

Target Platform: Desktops / Laptops

Twitter: @TVM_studios

Local Hub: Tranzfuser Virtual Hub

We are a team based in Norwich, UK who set up the studio during university where we all met. We are graduating together, and hoping to continue making games afterwards built on passion and drive, showing the world things that have not been tried before and using our skills to create masterpieces for every type of player to enjoy.

Tranzfuser is going to give us a major opportunity both as a studio and as members of the industry, as well as facilitating a space for us to really flex our muscles and show what we’re made of whilst pushing our project further than we could before.

About the project

FOQUES is a 3D puzzle platformer that acts as an artistic horror experience. It will be a single player narrative game, where every aspect of the game is built to be a beautiful, oil-painting inspired baroque environment, where the player must uncover the secrets behind why an eldritch corruptive force has taken over their home.

They will take the mantle of Kari, an arctic fox who uses her wit and cunning to escape mutated beasts who wish to spread the corruption that holds them, while attempting to help a young child researcher to escape from the arctic wastes.


Play Video


We applied for Tranzfuser as opportunities in the industry continue to dwindle, and we wanted a chance to show who we truly are and what we are capable as a team. We have all wanted to break into games for years, and having finally been recognised for our efforts has been an absolutely incredible experience that has had a lot of us feeling very validated in our skill. It has truly reassured many of us in our skill and talent. We have all worked so hard to be here, and are excited to be able to show off our project and the possibilities it brings both for us and for players!
Project Lead