Teams Board Tag Looking For Member(s)


3D Art & Sound Designer

Looking to: Add to our team
Primary Skillset: 3D Art & Sound Designer
Other Skills: Unity
Comments: We already have a designer and programmer but people with experiences in those as well are a bonus!

Art Generalist, Generalist Designer, Composer

Looking to: Add to our team
Primary Skillset: Art Generalist, Generalist Designer, Composer
Other Skills: Unity
Comments: Currently working on a prototype which I will be taking forward to Tranzfuser, the project is a narrative based game, gritty crime thriller, heavily inspired by games like Manhunt/The Warriors, Telltale games & movies such as Heat & Taken, a lot of the ground work is complete. Looking to get people who committed & are interested in expanding the current build to create a surreal experience & story. Furthermore, if all goes well, I’d be looking to create a studio with those involved. Please get in touch ASAP, only looking for 3 individuals. All skillsets welcome, we can organise a call & discuss the roadmap.

3D Artist and Level Designer (2)

Looking to: Start a new team
Primary Skillset: 3D Art and Level Designer
Other Skills: Unreal Engine
Comments: I'm looking to create single/mulitplayer physics-based games that are fun and innovative to play.

Art Generalist and Generalist Programmer

Looking to: Add to our team
Primary Skillset: Art Generalist and Generalist Programmer
Other Skills: Unreal Engine
Comments: We are developing a singleplayer, action/adventure, and casual game called God's Spear. We're looking to make it island-themed, goofy, engaging, and offer a casual or challenging/completionist game depending on what the player wants. We have the core loop of spear fishing, but we need to think about the content to make it a full game. We’re thinking of level-based or pocket-sized world with modifiers to change obstacles and objectives.

Environmental Art, Gameplay Programmer, Sound Designer

Looking to: Add to our team
Primary Skillset: Environmental Art, Gameplay Programmer, Sound Designer
Other Skills: Godot / Github / Blender 3D / Substance Painter or Armour Paint / Trello / Discord
Comments: Synopsis of Game: Paranormal WW1 game inspired by Thief (1998) and Metro (2033). Looking for chill people who are fans of stealth and immersive sim games. Preference for NI based devs as post Tranzfuser we would want to apply for NI Screen funding but open to all applicants as its not a hard line stance.

Art Generalist and Level Designer

Looking to: Start a new team
Primary Skillset: Art Generalist and Level Designer
Other Skills: Unity
Comments: I am looking for 1 generalist artist with environmental design and 3D hard-surface modelling experience and 1 level designer with experience with Unity HDRP. Both should have experience using Unity 3D (programming skills not required), open to criticism/feedback, an interest in action-adventure games, communication/teamworking skills (as evidenced by team projects in your portfolio) and be willing to work full-time on the project. A portfolio showing your previous/current projects is required.

Gameplay Programmer

Looking to: Add to our team
Primary Skillset: Gameplay Programmer
Other Skills: C# and Unity
Comments: We are looking for an overall multi-talented programmer to work alongside our already existing member of the team to work on our project. We are looking to create an atmospheric gameplay driven experience in which the player takes control of a certain type of vehicle and must traverse a dangerous landscape. Don't want to give away too much ;)

2D Artist, Generalist Designer, Gameplay Programmer

Looking to: Start a new team
Primary Skillset: 2D Artist, Generalist Designer, Gameplay Programmer
Other Skills: Unity
Comments: I plan to develop a Narrative-driven, Telltale-inspired game I've worked on since university called 'See Only Evil'. I'm using Tranzfuser to upgrade the development from Solo to Team Development. I have a plan for how the game will play out and currently writing a Game Bible. The game has a playable game demo.