Pale Blue Ocean

Pale Blue Ocean

Project Name: INsubordinate

Player Type: Single Player

Team Website:

Target Platform: Desktops / Laptops

Twitter: @PaleBlueOcean

Local Hub:University of West of Scotland

We are a group of six animation and game development graduates from the University of the West of Scotland. For the past four years, we have been developing our individual skills through our studies, hobbies and free time. During this spring we banded together for the chance to combine our different skills and specialties to make something larger and better than what we can produce as individuals. Additionally, we view Tranzfuser as a major opportunity to further our skills through the guidance of industry professionals and gain further insight into the UK game development industry.

Through the next months with Tranzfuser, we hope to bring the idea for INsubordinate to life. We truly believe in this idea and are raring to share this game we are creating with others around the world.

About the project

INsubordinate is a fast-paced combat game set within the skyscraper offices of the corrupt Miller Construction LLC. The game features Blair, a receptionist with a chip on their shoulder and a mean punch, battling their way through their malicious employer. You’ll be fighting your way up the corporate ladder by taking down the managers of each department as you go. Along the way, you can befriend other employees of the company who have also been wronged by the corrupt higher-ups and develop your bonds with them to receive help in your quest.

The game will be developed for PC for a potential release on services such as Steam and the Epic Game Store. The game’s main target audience is players with experiences of the workplace and a want for a release to the pent up rage obtained from annoying colleagues, pushy bosses and dire deadlines.


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For me, Tranzfuser is an opportunity to collaborate with others on a scale I was unable to during my studies and meet other like-minded graduates. I am looking forward to developing a project with people I enjoy working with which challenges us and allows us to use our specialism to build something together. Through this challenge, Tranzfuser is giving us a chance to further expand our skills while we learn more about the industry and what is the best way forward for us in our careers.
Project Lead