Eventide Birds
Project Name: Fertility, Crime, and Economy
Player Type: Single Player
Team Website: https://www.eventidebirds.com/
Target Platform: Desktops / Laptops
Twitter: @EventideBirds
Local Hub: London of College of Communication
All team members are mainly based around London with different cultural backgrounds but are all some kinds of bird: Raven (Xintong Ye), Owl (Yang Hong), Magpie (Juan Cardona), Macaw (Yumeng Wang) or Penguin (Shujing Shen).
Although four of us studied at the same university, we knew each other randomly: by working on other projects, being summer-let roommates, and talking in a London pub. Some of us bring up our vision, the others want to make super cool games.
We aim to establish a sustainable indie game studio focusing on ethnographic games. By providing immersive experiences relating to the situations of different specific groups, we pursue to make people from different cultures and communities understand each other better.
Tranzfuser will be a fantastic opportunity for us, to develop our game and business with all-around support and get involved deep in the industry network.
About the project
In our game, Fertility, Crime and Economy, the players will play the role of a governor, and draw up policies to rise up the birth rate, control the crime rate and make the society develop with a limited government budget. They can see how people’s lives are influenced by checking the news, observing people’s stories, and doing fieldwork research physically (still in the game, of course).
Will the players choose to make abortion illegal for a higher birth rate regardless of the risk of increasing crime rate, or will they fund new technologies in making an artificial womb under pressure from opposing voices? Different choices may lead to different endings, and there is plenty of them waiting to be achieved.
This game is designed for desktops and laptops, but we also have a plan on releasing it for mobile and tablet devices in the future.

Play Video
We started to follow the updates of Tranzfuser a long time ago when we realised it contain all that we need to turn our prototype idea and developing capabilities into a commercial business. We believe we can get better knowledge and even move further practically within and soon after the period participating in Tranzfuser.We will also do our best in the competition, to rise our possibility of getting funded and invested to make our game to a better scale and spread on a larger stage.
Project Lead