Application Information
Things to consider before you start your application
- Team members must graduate* between the dates of June 2019 to September 2021.
This means:
- You can be in your final year of study so long as you are on track to graduate by September 2021.
- You successfully graduated after June 2019.
*Graduate – awarded an undergraduate, first academic degree or masters / other postgraduate degree.
- Demonstrate you are able to gather a diverse team together with the relevant qualifications and experience, i.e. have completed a science or art degree relevant to games development.
- We’re not necessarily looking for professional experience but applicants are expected to provide evidence of experience, for example, programming / digital art / production / game design etc (coursework and project work are fine for this purpose).
- Have a residential address in the UK. We will consider individuals who are studying at a UK University but have had to return to their home country because of the pandemic.
- Further information can be found in the FAQ section and in the Tranzfuser 2021 Enterprise Pathway Factsheet (link for the download can be found at the bottom of this page).
- Online Application Information Sessions will be held in March and April for anyone thinking of applying to the Enterprise Pathway. These sessions are free but spaces are limited and they will not be recorded. Book now to avoid missing out!
Apply to Enterprise Pathway now!

Application Process
- Apply via the on-line written Tranzfuser Application form by 12pm noon Tuesday 20th April 2021
- PLEASE NOTE: EmailMeForm will be undergoing an infrastructure maintenance on Monday, April 19 2021 at 07:00am and they are anticipating the maintenance session to take approximately 90 mins.
- For the duration of the maintenance you will not be able to access your application form. If you are logged in during this time, your session will be interrupted during the maintenance. Please be sure to save your progress before our scheduled maintenance if you plan on editing or creating a form
- Therefore, we have taken the decision to extend the Enterprise Pathway Texted-Based Application deadline until Tuesday, April 20th 12 noon (all other deadlines remain the same).
- Produce a 2 minute pitch video
- After the application closing date and we have received your completed written application form, we will send out an individual link for you to upload your pitch video
- On receipt of your link you must upload your pitch video by 12pm noon Monday 26th April 2021
Before starting your application, we strongly advise you read the guidance provided below and attend a Application Information Session to ensure you cover the necessary information.
Pitch Video
Applicants will be invited to upload a 2 minute pitch video via email invite from Dropbox.
This will be your first introduction to us, so aim to impress! Your pitch video should be a condensed version of your written application form. We are looking for high level, key information that covers the key criteria (please refer to the Tranzfuser 2021 Enterprise Pathway Factsheet for the criteria). Include concept artwork or early footage from any proof-of-concept work you may have already carried out – it’s a lot easier to show than explain. Pictures or diagrams may also help to more quickly explain things you haven’t built yet – be creative.
You should keep your video short (2 minutes or less) and avoid gimmicks or plain talking-head types of pitches. A mix of text, images, diagrams and voiceovers should cover it, there’s no need for professional editing.
Highlighting the key criteria is more important than a slick video.
Please note:
- Do not exceed the 2 minute video length limit – anything over 2 minutes will not be viewed
- Do not send a standalone game trailer or generic business promotional video
- Do not zip, password protect, encrypt, or otherwise make your video difficult to access
Include all the relevant information in your pitch video. Do not assume the panel will be familiar with your written application details

Download the Enterprise Pathway Factsheet

Written Application
This is your opportunity to go in to detail about your idea, prototype and team explaining what you are planning to deliver and how you will go about achieving your end result. Fill in any gaps that you were unable to cover in your pitch video, don’t leave anything out that you feel will be important.
This is text-based only and all images and pictures should be included in your pitch video.